About our Human Anatomical Donation Program
These are some of the frequently asked questions that prospective donors and their family members have about our whole body anatomical donation program.
What is body donation?
Body donation is when a person consents to donate their body after death for medical research and education. It is a selfless act that helps advance science and medicine.
Who can choose to donate their body?
Any adult can choose to donate their body by filling out our consent form to register. The consent needs to be given by the person themselves or their next of kin who is authorized to provide consent according to state law. In Oregon, the relevant statute for determining next of kin authorization is ORS 97.965.
Do you offer free cremation?
Yes, for those who are looking for cheap or affordable cremations in Oregon, and are also interested in donating their body to science, we offer free cremation alongside body donation in Salem, Oregon and the surrounding communities within approximately 200 miles.
What locations does Oregon Body Gift accept donations?
Whole body donations are accepted within approximately 200 miles of Salem. This includes Portland, Eugene, Albany, Bend, Corvallis, Springfield, and Roseburg.
If I enroll with Oregon Body Gift, are there any steps I should take?
We request that you please inform your loved ones about your decision to donate your body to science and provide them with our contact information. This ensures they can reach out to us immediately after your passing to initiate the donation process. Initiating the donation process as soon as possible is very useful for our research.
Is Oregon Body Gift available 24/7?
For individuals who have pre-registered for body donation, we are available 24/7 to ensure a smooth donation process at any time. Due to staffing constraints, we process new donation requests during regular business hours for those who haven't pre-registered. This allows our team to provide comprehensive support during this sensitive time. We encourage those interested in whole body donation to consider pre-registration or contact us to learn more about the process.
If I donate my body to Oregon Body Gift, will there any cost to me or my family?
No, if a body is donated to Oregon Body Gift, then the entire required process, including transport, cremation, and filing of the death certificate, is entirely free of charge. If the death occurs beyond the range of areas that we accept, Oregon Body Gift may be unable to accept the donation, or a small transport fee may apply if donation is still desired.
Can I change my mind after I have consented to body donation?
Yes, you maintain the right to rescind this consent at any time prior to the donation procedure by notifying Oregon Body Gift in writing.
How does Oregon Body Gift maintain confidentiality?
We strictly adhere to confidentiality guidelines for all protected health information. We remove any individually identifying data before sharing any biomedical data or tissue with research institutions, unless specific consent is given for this.
Is Oregon Body Gift able to accept donations from individuals who have chosen Medical Aid in Dying (MAID)?
Yes, Oregon Body Gift is able to accept whole body donations from individuals who have chosen Medical Aid in Dying, also known as the Death with Dignity Act in Oregon. We recognize that this is a deeply personal decision. Our team is prepared to work with Medical Aid in Dying participants, their families, and healthcare providers to coordinate the donation process. If this is of interest, our facility is equipped with a private visitor room that can be used to support various end-of-life choices while ensuring dignity and respect throughout the process. If you are considering this option, we encourage you to contact us directly. We can provide information on how we might help accommodate your specific situation. Our goal is to provide information to help you make an informed decision that best fits with your goals and values.
How does the body donation process contribute to scientific research?
Your generous gift supports scientific studies that can lead to medical advancements. Primarily, the tissue will be used as a part of a "brain bank" to help develop better methods for studying the brain and help identify the causes of neurobiologic disorders. The ultimate goal of this research is to develop better medical treatments and aid future generations.
Are there any exclusion criteria for body donation to Oregon Body Gift?
Oregon Body Gift makes every effort to accept donations. However, to ensure the safety of our staff and the integrity of our research, there are some situations where we may be unable to accept a donation. These include active infectious diseases that pose a risk to our staff, such as hepatitis B, hepatitis C, HIV, or tuberculosis. We also cannot accept donations from individuals with diagnosed prion diseases like Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease, or cases where there has been a sudden, unexplained decline in neurological function that could potentially indicate a prion disease. Additionally, due to current equipment limitations, we are unable to accept whole body donations from individuals weighing over 350 pounds. If you have any concerns about eligibility or questions about a specific medical condition, please contact us to discuss your situation. We are committed to treating all potential donors with the utmost respect and dignity, regardless of individual circumstances.
How long after death are cases able to be accepted?
Oregon Body Gift is usually able to accept donations up to four days after death. Beyond this timeframe, the tissue integrity may be compromised, which could impact our ability to effectively conduct research. If a death occurs and a donation is being considered, please contact us as soon as possible so we can work with you to facilitate the donation process.
Does Oregon Body Gift determine the cause of death for donors?
No, Oregon Body Gift does not perform any clinical examinations with the goal of determining the cause of death. We recommend for families to consult with medical professionals to ascertain this information.
Will my body be treated with respect?
Yes, all donors receive the utmost respect, in strict adherence to the highest ethical principles.
What is the regulatory oversight for Oregon Body Gift?
Oregon Body Gift is licensed as a Nontransplant Anatomical Research Recovery Organization (NARRO) in the state of Oregon.
Who can I contact with questions?
Please contact us with any questions about the donation process. We are happy to explain further.