Oregon Body Gift

A Non-Profit Organization

Picture of person staring at the ocean, photo by Myles Tan, via Unsplash

About Oregon Body Gift

Oregon Body Gift is a non-profit organization facilitating whole body donation for medical research. We offer no-cost cremation services for donors, serving the Salem metro area and communities within approximately 200 miles.

No-Cost Cremation

We cover all expenses necessary for donation, including transportation from the place of passing, cremation, and death certificate filing. There is no cost to the donor or their estate.

The Donation Process

At Oregon Body Gift, we honor the selfless decision of whole body donors to advance medical research. Individuals can pre-register for donation, ensuring 24/7 availability when needed. We also accept donations shortly after passing, during regular business hours. Our team is available to guide families through the required paperwork and ensures all donors are treated with the utmost respect and dignity.

How to Register

Registration takes less than 10 minutes and can be completed online or via a downloadable form. You may register for yourself or on behalf of a loved one you're authorized to represent. Begin the registration process here.

Dog Donation Program

We offer a separate donation program for our beloved canine companions who have passed. This program contributes to medical research and includes no-cost cremation services. Learn more about our dog donation program.

Advancing Medical Knowledge

The need for whole body donation is significant, and your generous gift is deeply valued. The primary use of donated bodies is for neuroscience medical research, with the ultimate goal of developing new medical treatments. We do not allow whole body donations to be used for military, vehicle safety, or any other non-medical purpose.

Our Team

Larry Black

Larry Black

Director of Anatomical Donations

Laura Paredes

Laura Paredes

Pathology Specialist II

Dusti Patten

Dusti Patten

Pathology Specialist

Alexander Parra

Alexander Parra

Pathology Specialist

Andrew McKenzie

Andrew McKenzie, MD, PhD

Research Scientist